Monday, December 29, 2008

Crazy Crazy Times

Okay, as most of you know, Chase got laid off the week of Thanksgiving. He's been looking for a new job ever since. He had an interview a few weeks ago, but never heard anything from them. He has another interview tomorrow (12/30), so keep your fingers crossed and pray.
As far as the holidays went, everything thing went pretty well. Thanksgiving was easy, all we had to do was show up. We took the Wii with us and everybody bowled (and got our butts kicked by Chase's mom). Christmas was fun. I went into the girls room on Christmas morning to wake them up. Koda was already awake, laying in her bed, and McKenna was still asleep. Koda jumped up when I told her it was time to get up and I asked her "do you know who came last night?" she said "no" and I told her Santa had come, to which she responded with an excited gasp. So we got them up and got their diapers changed, then took them into the living room. Koda was really excited when she saw all the presents, but Kenna wasn't sure what was going on. We opened all the gifts and I made the girls pancakes to hold them over until we got to Chase's mom's. After they ate, we got them ready to go and finished loading up the car (including the Wii, again).
We got there and ate some breakfast and than started opening gifts. The girls got LOTS of toys that make noise. Koda got a pink police motorcycle, a piano, and a toy guitar. Kenna got lots of animal related things that make all kinds of noise. Chase and I both got a couple new Wii games. The girls also got these AWESOME blankets that are so unbelievably soft. I can't even describe them. Koda's is farm themed, and Kenna's has teddy bears on it.
All things considered, it was a good holiday season. I'm not looking forward to this coming weekend though. I've got to take down the Christmas tree and village, package it up, and put it all away...thrilling:P
Anyway, I'll try to add a few pictures of the girls birthday when I get a chance. As far as Christmas, well, they're not so much as Christmas, but I do have some pictures of the girls sitting in front of the tree. So I'll try to get those up.

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